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Last week in biopharma partnering: April 24 – 30, 2022

By pharma3dadmin April 28, 2022

Each week (well almost, some weeks are quite uneventful), we compile and curate for our audience key news and updates on the happenings in the world of partnering in pharma and life sciences.

Be sure to follow us and keep up-to-date on all things partnering to inform your decisions and strategies.

So let’s get to it >>

Sanofi announced it is partnering with McLaren Racing to accelerate manufacturing efficiency and performance — see full article

Biopharma executives from India and Japan discuss the need for enhanced “alignment” on the regulatory front — see full article

Orexo AB announced that the company´s partner Gesynta Pharma AB which owns all the rights to OX-MPI (GS248), a drug candidate for the treatment of systemic sclerosis, has been granted Orphan Drug Designation by the FDA — see full article releases The Global Collaborative R&D Partnering Terms and Agreements in Pharma, Biotech and Diagnostics 2016-2022 report provides comprehensive understanding and unprecedented access to the collaborative R&D deals and agreements entered into by the worlds leading life science companies — find it here

Sanofi’s Dupixent (partnered with Regeneron) posted 46% revenue increase in the first quarter earning $1.79 billion — see full article

WuXi Advanced Therapies (WuXi ATU) and A*STAR’s Bioprocessing Technology Institute (BTI), announced a new partnership to bring WuXi ATU’s proprietary Tetracycline-Enabled Self-Silencing Adenovirus (TESSA™) technology to the Asia-Pacific region — see full article

See you next week!